Ricardo's Place Robotics, machine learning, or simply random thoughts!

GummiArm - A Compliant and Printable Robot Arm

Project Description:

The GummiArm project was initiated to develop a robot arm that could interact physically with the environment, while developing its sensorimotor skills, and without expensive breakdowns from collisions. The arm can vary its stiffness by co-contracting its rubbery tendons, and is quite robust to impacts in the ‘relaxed’ state. A broken piece can be redesigned, reprinted, and assembled in minutes, thanks to the 3D printable structure.

My role in this project:

Dr. Martin Stoelen was one of my supervisors during my PhD (2013-2017) and I helped him on this project initially as a volunteer and later as Technical Engineer. During this period, I was the main developer for GummiArm’s ROS/Moveit! interface and I also worked optimising motors/communication, putting together demos, supervising masters students and many other things.


  1. Repositories for the GummiArm Community Edition (CE) robot eco-system


  1. The GummiArm project
  2. Fieldwork Robotics Ltd
  3. GummiSkin prototype
  4. China Robot Harvest